Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Get your fruits and veggies quick for 42 cents per serving

It's a constant struggle for me. As a carbaholic, I find it difficult to work in a variety of fruits and veggies every day. And while monkey is a well-rounded eater at present, I fear he may slip into the picky eater category as he grows. What's a mom to do to ensure her family is getting the recommended servings?

I've recently become a big fan of Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness. It has earned "staple" status in my fridge. The big 52oz bottle costs $5.50 and has 13 servings of fruit/veggies. That breaks down to 42 cents per serving, ladies! And not a slave-over-a-hot-stove serving, but a pour-it-straight-into-a-glass serving. Granted, it looks like one of those slimy, green health shakes you see fitness buffs chugging in movies, but it tastes like a sweet fruit smoothie. Monkey LOVES it. I put a few ounces with some water in a sippy cup, and he sucks it down and fusses when it's all gone.

This is quality stuff. No added sugar, 100% juice and chocked full of vitamins that come from natural sources. Beware my lovely pregos, it's flash pasteurized which wasn't recommended for moms-to-be when I was carrying. You can purchase this at most grocery stores - I've found it at Kroger, Publix and Earthfare - in the produce fridge case alongside the Marzetti salad dressings and Odwalla juices.

Thanks Erica, for introducing me to this great product!

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